Author Topic: Dell 2005 FPW Monitor  (Read 16158 times)


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Dell 2005 FPW Monitor
« on: June 28, 2006, 07:37:43 AM »
I changed my monitor to a Dell 2005 FPW Monitor and when I try to anything in Topoversion 2.86 and 2.87 the screen has banding affects. Any ideas?


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Dell 2005 FPW Monitor
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2006, 04:35:55 PM »
Are you sure it was working in v2.85 or any previous ones?  Nothing significant has changed in the display or graphics code since 2.85, so I'd be surprised if it was due to the beta version(s).

I know that TopoFusion works for several users on other widescreen monitors (including Dell's).  My guess is that the issue is graphics card related.  I'd check for updated drivers.  Often people with this problem are using onboard graphics cards that have very poor drivers.


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Dell 2005 FPW Monitor
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2006, 11:16:33 AM »
I went back to 2.05 and it has the same effect. What is odd though for a second when you access the program you can see the satellite overlay for a second and then the banding effect takes over.
It is a Dell Optiplex system that uses a Intel video chip set. The only thing I did was replace the monitor. I ran a INF file for this model of monitor also. I tried removing the type of monitor but XP still finds the type. I may try to change the hertz to see if that helps.

After changing the map type I am now able to use some of the overlays. The only time I see the banding now is when I choose Topo8.
Maybe this is the problem? If you chose a overlay from the drop down and it is not checked in the:
Preferences, Tile set. Would that cause the problem.
Would it help that if the Tile set was not checked to make it not available on the drop down?


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Dell 2005 FPW Monitor
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2006, 06:10:42 PM »
Intel chipset = on board = usually crappy driver support.

Topo 2, 8, 32 and 128 are different than 4,16,64,256,512.  The former are GIF, the latter JPG.  For some reason there are drivers that don't like our GIF conversion.  People have reported success in updating drivers -- for the video card, not the monitor.

You're right that disabled tilesets shouldn't be shown in the dropdown.  There's no problem selecting one that's disabled -- it just goes to the nearest one that is enabled.

A temporary solution to this is to simply disable all the GIF tilesets and use the JPGs.  I almost always run TF in that mode anyway since JPGs decode and therefore display faster, anyway.

Only when I do a big export or something do I turn on 2 Meter GIF.  The other tilesets are actually redunant -- just different scales of the same base maps as the jpegs.