Author Topic: Beta 3.91  (Read 32780 times)


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Beta 3.91
« on: October 19, 2009, 09:26:39 PM »
Beta 3.91 is out in the usual place.

I've been working on the export feature a bit.  It's now much easier to get what you want in a high res map.  The 'constrain proportions' feature is mighty useful.  Also new is the introduction of .tfv files -- they save viewport, window size, tileset, zoom level, etc.  Making it easy to reproduce a particular map if you need to recreate it.  Open up a .tfv file in a text editor -- very simple, self explanatory format.

I've given up on the original AZ server -- it has proved too buggy.  None of my fixes were effective.  So I've switched to a different one.  From what I can tell it is exactly the same imagery, but has been processed a bit differently -- slightly different coloring and just a touch more washed out.

Plus a bunch of smaller stuff:

3.91 - [10/19/09]  (Beta)

Added "Export View Parameters" (File Menu) to save .tfv (Topo Fusion View) files
Use File-->Open or drag/drop to reload view parameters, including size of main
  TopoFusion window
"Dot" track type (GPX 1.1) now use actual dots.  Appearance improved
Added checkbox to "constrain proportions" to export view function - locks aspect
  ratio to the current window size
Optimized memory usage for large scale exports.  Should be able to export up to
  the maximum texture size (8192x8192 on newer cards)
Switched servers for Arizona Color Aerials (old server continues to have issues)
Fixed 'reverse mouse wheel' setting not being applied upon initialization
Improved accuracy of stopped time calculation for 'moving intervals' analysis
Fixed problem reading Adventure Cycling waypoint files (CDATA related)
Added option to "Include TopoFusion logo" to exported images
Added "crosshair" icon type, and set it as the default for new installs
Reversed direction on 'darkness' shaded relief slider bar
Changed shaded relief lighting direction slider to 0..360 degrees
Changed 3D background back to black
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2009, 06:19:10 AM »
Hi Scott:
When I cancel an Export View Parameters I get an error box saying "Error writing to "view.tfv" Clicking OK makes it go away but I think the box is just not needed as the operation was cancelled by the user.

Exporting gave me an idea. Garmin came up with a way to send raster georeferenced pictures to the Oregon/Colorado/Dakota lines. They do that by georeferencing a jpg file using Google Earth. It is working fine and is huge step ahead as it allows to have park maps, aerials and what not as a layer (which can be transparent too). That layer is then sent via Google Earth directly to the GPS (USB) as .kmx file.
Well, TF's georeferencing is better than Google Earth. Google Earth is all manual. I love the click on three points (assuming you have them), if not then the manual mathod is pretty much similar to Google's. It would be nice to have that feature in TF so one could use the same software to produce paper maps and GPS maps.

See the attachment fo a screen dump of my Oregon.


Amir K9CHP
Amir K9CHP


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 07:53:18 AM »
Yep, I plan to look at this -- too bad I sold my darn Oregon!  May have to pick up a Dakota...

Besides custom maps, it would be handy to select a box of the maps already in TF and upload that as a .kmz file to Oregon/Colorado/Dakota.

Thanks for the cancel error.  Easy fix.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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KMZ Exports!
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 03:51:21 PM »
I just put out a new beta, v3.92, that adds exactly what you were talking about... KMZ exports!

Rather than exporting User Maps from TF's user map library, you can simply export any map to a .KMZ file (or directly to an Oregon/Colorado/Dakota unit).  It's built into the Export View function, so you can do all map types in TopoFusion, including WMS servers, User Maps, Combo Maps, etc.  Plus you can add your GPS data (lines/tracks) to the map, if you want.

I'd recommend keeping the "constrain proportions" box checked, and then setting the width to 1024.  This way you'll get maximum quality on the GPS.  TF will let you go larger, but the GPS maximum map size is 1024x1024, so it will get downsized/resampled, resulting in lower quality.

If you have a compatible unit, please let me know your experiences -- quality, calibration, speed, etc.  I will have my own unit shortly to test and optimize, but am excited enough about this feature that I figured I would release now that it is ready.

Thanks.  Full changes below.

3.92 - [10/22/09]  (Beta)

Added .KMZ map exports, for use as custom maps on Oregon/Colorado/Dakota units
   - Find in "Export View" function - able to export all map types, including
     GPS track/waypoint overlays, shaded relief, etc.
   - Select check box "Export KMZ to Garmin GPS" to auto start "save as"
     dialog in Garmin\Custom Maps folder
   - Any size map can be exported (eg for use in Google Earth), but maximum 1024 in
     both directions is recommended to avoid resampling / speed issues on GPS
Fixed problem with graphics engine reinitializing after non-standard 2D exports
   (problem introduced in 3.91)
Changed "no data" heart rate readings to zeros in profile tool (was 255 before)
Removed misplaced error message when canceling a "export view parameters" dialog
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 06:24:46 PM »
Hi Scott:
I have not had the time to download and play with FT 3.92 today but go to my blog and look up the second entry from the top, see the visual difference in screen display of the Oregon 400 with a larger file and a smaller one. I'll see what TF's results will look like and let you know from there.

Thanks for making this possible.

Amir K9CHP
Amir K9CHP


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 06:31:47 PM »
Yep, it will be fun to experiment with different sizes.  I have read that 1024 is the practical limit.  I'll test that for sure, but I'd love to hear any findings you have as well.

There is the possibility of tiling HUGE maps in TF using multiple images, to go over 1024 pixels, but for now just having the ability to export a single map is pretty cool.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2009, 06:42:04 PM »
Well, I just stopped everything else, downloaded 3.92 and send a color aerial to my Oregon. It worked, and man, no time wasted on georeferencing! Beautiful. My next step is to take the same map I already have and use the jpg in TF to georeference it and see how much fasterI can get it done than in the Google Earth version.

Amir K9CHP

You're making me vey happy Scott!
Amir K9CHP


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2009, 06:53:00 PM »
Excellent, thanks for the positive report.  Time to send out the beta email so others can take a look.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2009, 07:28:27 PM »
OK, I used my jpg and georeferenced it, really a breeze using TF. Now I had to decide about whether to save the file as opaque or with some transparency and I opted for opaque as I was hoping the vector map of the Oregon would show. It did. Otherwise I would have a double set of contour lines, not good, I guess, as I never really tried it but unless they match 100% it would result in a blurr or something very ugly.

I wanted to attach a screen dump but the file is too large 282kb. It is a little blurry, not too bad, I can probably work on it and get better results tomorrow. I finally made it a jpg file so maybe it will show what I meant. This is at 500' scale, it looks better at 800' but I bet a few tweaks and it will look great. I know we are not far from getting it done and anyhow it already is better than whar I previously had.

So we are making progress, at gigantum steps, I'd say. Now with a little  fine touches, we'll get it to be purrrrrrrrrrrrfect.

Here is an idea: how about a square defining the downloaded area, like in the maps saved to hard drive routine? I'd keep the numbers though, as some may like those too.

Oh, the grid option I think is not necessary as with a GPS you have your position or the cursor position and don't really need the grid. I used the no grid option. Maybe that should be the default. Mine always comes up with 1000m.

Well, I better stop now for today.

Amir K9CHP


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 05:49:48 AM »
OK, my head is much clearer this morning and I re-did everything. Starting from a 6 megapixel picture of a trail map I took with my digital camera (a small one I use for SAR, and I don't like playing with settings when I'm in a search, as I'm focusing on other much more important details), georeferenced it using FT's three calibration points method, so easy a caveman could do it... I then enlarge the view and instead of a single kmz file for the park, I made three. Really easy in TF especially with a UTM grid tomake sure I left no gaps. Sent each kmz to the Oregon.

I've attached two screen dumps. I don't think I can ask more, not until I get a GPS with a full 1080i  HDMI display...

Amir K9CHP
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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2009, 09:25:05 AM »
Thanks for the further feedback -- sounds like you're getting the hang of it.  Can't wait to get my own unit to do some more optimization.

The UTM grid comes on by default in the dialog since you have it enabled for regular map view.

I think we'll stick with "what you see is what you get" for now (as opposed to drawing a box around an area).  With the 'constrain portions' option it is really easy to get the size you want and still cover exactly as shown.

The next step is to write a tiling engine for the map export (which would then allow truly GIGANTIC jpeg/bmp/png exports), but more relevant to these units is that you could a very high res export broken up into, say, 1024x1024 tiles.  The limit is 100 maps on the GPS, but that would be a heck of a high res map for an area.

That will take some significant coding, and I'll wait until I have a unit in hand.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 10:05:46 AM »
Yes Scott I noticed the different, lighter shade on the news AZ colored aerials.
Any way to darken them up?
They are loading just fine.


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2009, 10:15:48 AM »

You could try the "constrast" setting in Blending/Shaded Relief settings.  But it will affect all maps.

No way to selectively darken them right now.

They don't mesh super well with existing tiles, but I think they are just as usable on their own.  What do you think?
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2009, 10:30:06 AM »
Hello Scott,
Yes they are very usable. It is probably in my minds eye but the darker tiles seem to allow me to pick up  details easier. I'm very glad to still have AZ colored aerials.


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2009, 10:52:38 AM »
This is a good resource for information on the Oregon:

Problems have been reported with large kmz files. I did not have problems with a couple of 2400-2500KB files but there is one report of someone having bricked his Oregon with a larger file. Recovered the unit with a procedure described in the Wiki.

There are a few other relatively minor bugs in the Oregon beta software, hopefully to be fixed soon.

Amir K9CHP
Amir K9CHP


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2009, 01:52:20 PM »
Thanks for the plug Amir!  I was just checking out your blog post and thought I would stop by and say nice job to Scott.  Looks like a great way to easily get custom maps onto your Colorado/Oregon/Dakota.

I've put together a Custom Maps page on the wiki where I'm trying to collect all of this information.

Scott, if you need more beta testers let me know.

-Scott (


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2009, 02:27:19 PM »
Scott -- thanks for chiming in.  I just sent you an email about beta testing.  Would love to have you try it out.

v3.921 is out with a minor addition -- customizable "draw order" field.  Use it to control whether the custom map shows behind or above regular vector data, or, other custom maps.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2009, 11:18:54 AM »
Do you forsee an option of exporting just the user map in KMZ format, and not the entire tile?  When creating the KMZ files in Google Earth with an overlay, you save the file, and it contains only the image info - not the underlying map.  For things like scanned state park maps, etc., it seems to me cleaner to allow just the user image to be exported.

The georeferencing in TF (once you 'get it') is far simpler than GE.  Just getting my hands around TF, so I'm only on demo right now, but looking forward to testing out the Garmin export beta. 

All-in-all, TF looks pretty sweet, and the KMZ export will be the icing on the cake - why hadn't I heard of TF before??



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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2009, 12:09:06 PM »

You can essentially get what you want by turning off all map detail except the calibrated User Map.  Goto Maps menu and uncheck "Show Maps", "Show Shaded Relief", etc until you just have your User Map on a white background.  Resize the TF window to fit the map and Export.


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2009, 03:25:08 PM »
Yep, I'm not sure if a 'export user map only' function is needed.  It would save a tiny bit of time in turning off other maps (if needed) and resizing the window to fit.  I'll try it out with a few custom maps and see what I think.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2009, 10:58:07 AM »
Hey Scott,

I just quickly scanned this thread, and as I understand it, you have now found a way to do what the troubled Magellan unit (forget the series name) was supposed to do using NGS Topo maps. If I'm right, this super extra cool.



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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2009, 06:20:02 PM »
Larry -- yep.  Here's a shot of a TF map from a Dakota 20:

BTW, v3.93 is now public in demo and full version form.  Thanks for the testing and feedback everyone!
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2009, 07:05:49 PM »
Ok Scott, when you have an IPO, let me know. :)



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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2009, 09:48:33 AM »
Scott, just noticed one minor thing; the 360 degree lighting angle scale does not create shading that would correspond to the location of the sun. Easy fix or not?



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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2009, 10:04:30 AM »
Do you mean that it's off, say 90 degrees or 45 degrees, from where you would expect it to be?  I can pretty easily shift it around.  I guess it's not where it makes the most sense right now.
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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2009, 10:09:47 AM »
Right; I think it's off 90 degrees, but don't trust me! :)


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #26 on: October 30, 2009, 02:23:02 PM »
Hey all -- I just put out version 3.94 with KMZ map tiling.  You choose the tileset you want and TF will tell you how many 1024x1024 tiles it needs to cover the currently viewed area.  Currently the maximum allowed (across all KMZ files on the unit) is 100 tiles.  A warning pops up if you go over that.

Also note that if you go over 100 tiles (total) your GPS may have some issues -- my Dakota did anyway.  And be careful when you delete KMZ files -- make sure you completely delete them (hold down shift and hit delete key in Windows Explorer).  If they are still in the recycle bin the GPS thinks they are there and will count them towards the 100 tile limit.

I'm about to head off to ride with a huge topo map export, complete with full GPS tracks for every trail in the trail system, color coded by difficulty.

Psyched!   ;D

Beta is in the usual place.  Here are some brief notes.

3.94 - [10/30/09]  (Beta)

Added ability to tile KMZ exports
-Uses 1024x1024 tiles (maximum allowed by Garmin)
-Provides number of tiles calculation (max 100 allowed)
-Ability to choose specific tileset, exported at 1:1 resolution
-Tracks, waypoints, shaded relief, etc all show up
-Be careful with large KMZ files - make sure you delete and empty recycle bin
  GPS will still see KMZ files and 'count' them towards 100 tile limit even
  if they are in the Recycle Bin

More to come for sure.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2009, 03:23:04 PM »
Bug: Looks like exports of topo (and B/W aerial) tiled maps are a little off in v3.94 -- depending on where in your UTM zone you are.  Interestingly Tucson is nearly in the middle of zone 12, where things work perfectly.  But if you aren't near the middle, you'll see gaps between tiles.

Exports for color aerials, TopoWMS, and other lat/lon tilesets are working 100%.

I'll see what I can do about the bug.
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Re: Beta 3.91
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2009, 02:30:10 PM »
Alright, v3.941 is out, with a fix for the UTM tilesets (base topo maps, b/w aerials and urban).  The fix applies to both tiled and non-tiled exports.

Exports of lat/lon projected maps remain the same -- color aerials, topowms, landsat, etc still work just as before.

I made a few other changes, including a long overdue "merge files" function (found in the right click menu when you select multiple files).

Full changes:

3.941 ā€“ [11/6/09]  (Beta)

Fixed calibration issues exporting Topo & B/W aerial maps to Garmin GPS units
-   Fix applies to both tiled and non-tiled KMZ exports
-   Bug was only apparent near edges of UTM zones
Added ā€œmerge files and save as..ā€ function to right click menu for files
-   Select multiple files in the active list, right click, then ā€˜save asā€™
        to new file
Removed reset of gamma ramp on program exit
Fixed waypoint comment field not getting uploaded on some Garmin units
Uploaded saved tracks now transfer colors for the following colors:
-   Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, White, Black

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion