The machine is a Dell GX270 / 3.2ghz / 2g memory / Dell video.
Here is the log file:
TopoFusion 3.000 Log Begin
Setting internet settings..
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID : 2
Windows CSD Version : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "Standard VGA Graphics Adapter" (vga.dll)
Direct3D : Display properties - 1024x768, Format=22, Refresh = 1
Failed to create device, Device likely does not support T&L in hardware. Trying software.
DirectX Error [.\master.cpp:6446]: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
DirectX Error [.\master.cpp:6452]: D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE
Failed to create hardware acclerated device. Trying software.
Failed to create REF software device. No DirectX 9 Installed?!
DirectX Error [.\master.cpp:6461]: D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE
Setting D3D Device Failed
I hope this makes sense to you folks, and thanks for the rapid offer of help!