Well, if it's okay (since I'm a paying user), I'd like to take the moment to encourage you to put the caching on your todo list!! Without it, TPF alone doesn't work for me, I'm having to swap back and forth between TFP and GE to get all the information that I need (and I'm having problems as well, importing data from TFP to GE, which is a separate topic for later!!)
I use that capability to plan routes where I'm going to hike, by scanning which routes are steeper or shallower paths. It also helps me just visualize the terrain that I was travelling through!!
It seems to me that you *must* already have the elevation data available, in order to display the 3D view!! It's clearly an accurate 3D representation of the scene (VERY accurate, judging from the various tests I've already given it!!)... so it should be available for displaying as well??