Author Topic: Downloading Disabled <NEW>  (Read 6609 times)


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:49:47 PM »
I have a registered copy of Topofusion which I use to upload .gpx files from my Forerunner 201. I am a new user but have sucessfuly uploaded two tracks.
In my Demo version I was able to download Topo4M and Aerial4M, 1M over my tracks.  Now downloading is disabled for other choices or when I try to scroll off the edge of what I already downloaded.
What I got looked great.
I run XP Pro, all updates current, Windows Fwall OFF.  Problem same w/Norton Internet Security ON or OFF.  Checked Norton logs, looked to have an issue with Terraserver but since I wrote a rule that log alert has gone away, BUT, I still can't download maps or aerial views.
I don't enter via a proxy server, Cox cable internet, no problems elsewhere.
Any suggestions?  Don't know where to go from here. Thx.
Anthony Humpage.


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2004, 03:39:11 PM »

If it says "download disabled" on the tiles you just need to enable downloading on the toolbar.  It looks like this:

A lot of people get confused by this.  I changed the yellow text to say "re-enable on toolbar" for future versions.



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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2004, 08:01:48 PM »
Thanks, that was an excellent pointer.  The "Downloading Disabled" message has been replaced by a check mark in the tiles and a "Downloading" message.  But even after a wait, nothing downloads.
As I am a new user, maybe there's something I'm missing:
1.  If a map or aerial photo is shown on the drop-down menu, may I assume it's available?  Or is the extended download telling me that item isn't available?  If I scrol off the edge of the map I see more "Downloading" tiles.  I am on a cable connection that usually gives me better than T1 speed, although I understand if Terraserver is getting many hits I may queue.  But is this normal?
2.  I checked my firewall logs.  Nothing seemiming ly amiss.  I'm getting two-way traffic to Terraserver even if it's slow.  E.G.:
Connection: http(80)
from <my PC>(xxx.168.168.2): 2297
105 bytes sent
16490 bytes received
1:02.703 elapsed time
Any more hints or comments much apreciated.
Anthony Humpage


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2004, 08:56:24 PM »
No, it shouldn't take long at all to download maps with a cable connection.

If a tileset is shown in the drop down that does not mean it is available for a particular area, but most areas have all the tiles available (with the exception of urban which is limited).

In any case, tiles that don't exist on terraserver usually come in as white noise tiles -- such as in areas where aerials don't exist.  Whereabouts are you looking?  Are you able to download any new maps now?


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2004, 03:49:44 PM »
Thanks so much for your help.  I am really close to narrowing down the issue, and think it may be at Terraserver.
I am in Scottsdale.  Yesterday I was trying to view a track around 20th St and Missouri in Phoenix.  Today I uploaded a .gpx from a track I did around McDowell Mtn Ranch in Scottsdale.
This morning the aerial pictures and topos would scroll and update "on the fly" .. then stop.  Some maps -- other scales -- stuck at the "downloading" message.  
To ensure I was getting through to Terraserver without interference from my FW I downloaded the demo version of Expert GPS.  Scrolling OK there, but for the maps I get stuck in downloading in TopoFusion I also get a "Map Server Error" tileset in ExpertGPS.  They say: "ExpertGPS could not download the map from the map server. Contact ExpertGPS Support for assistance."  So, I conclude that Terraserver just isn't serving up those maps and aerial pictures this weekend.
For now things are working well enough.  Topofusion is going to be a great addition to my endurance and ultraendurance coaching. I wil keep you posted on the downloading issue -- it does seem a bit spotty.  What is strange is that it will work OK when I first go into TopoFusion, but then it stops.
Regards, Anthony Humpage


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2004, 04:02:13 PM »
I don't think it's a problem on Terraserver's side.  It seems to be working fine here -- even around Mcdowell.  Is your internet connection working OK otherwise?  How about trying to look at maps on ?  Does that work well or is that really slow too?

You might try changing the internet options -- persistent connections on/off and the number of threads.  See if you can get some better performance.


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2004, 08:38:18 PM »
Internet working OK.
Here is what happens: I open a track in say, Topo 4M map.  Topofusion scrolls r/l, up/dn fine, the tile download data OK. The same is true in Aerial 4M. Now let's say I go to Topo 2M, which I can't get -- get the eternal downloading check mark. (map not available from Expert GPS either, get the map server error mesage there).  Now when I go back to the Topo 4M map, and scroll, the tiles won't update, I get stuck with the downloading check mark message in the tiles.  If I closr Topofusion and restart it, the maps refresh fine again.
I tried various options for Internet, no joy.
Thanks, appreciate your patience.
Anthony Humpage
PS: Can get 1,2,4M resolution maps, photos from Terraserver-usa no problem.

Anthony Humpage


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2004, 09:25:22 PM »
Can you send me a track of the area where the 2M are not working?  I can get 2M around Mcdowell no problem.  The 2M's are different in that they are GIF, not Jpeg, but since ExpertGPS is crapping out too I don't see what could be wrong.  One thing it that 2M are slower (gif decoding is slower) and not really necessary (they are more clear but are the same source maps as 4M) so you could turn them off in options->tilesets so that you won't hose your ability to download new maps.


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2004, 02:51:45 PM »
.gpx file e-mailed to you separately.  I don't get Topo 8M either.
I appreciate your help.
Anthony Humpage


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2004, 06:53:32 AM »
Should say I e-mailed to


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Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2004, 08:23:56 AM »
I got it, no problem.  I'm able to get 2M and 8M tiles in that area, so there is some problem decoding GIF files on your machine.  It's odd that ExpertGPS is having trouble decoding the GIFs as well.

For now, I would just turn the tilesets off.  I will have to talk to the other author about what could be wrong with the GIFs and then get back to you.