Saw your crash report -- thanks for submitting that.
Regarding the pathname (referenced in the report) -- that should be fine. There's no leading slash for me and it works A-OK. Also, you can't choose the name of the .html file, it's just a target directory and comes out as index.html.
A few questions, if you will:
I assume you first use the "Place pictures as waypoints" button to place some photos on the map?
Was this successful? (did you get photos on your GPS track?)
Was the photo toggle (on the tool bar) on or off? i.e., was TopoFusion displaying photo thumbnails on the maps, or just camera icons?
Hopefully I can track this down. My first guess is maybe some trouble reading a .jpg file, for some reason, that the regular photo displaying code handles OK (no initial crash), but becomes a problem with HTML generation.
Thanks and sorry about the bug! I thought PhotoFusion was pretty rock solid.