Author Topic: Tracks won't shade  (Read 5077 times)


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Tracks won't shade
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:01:18 AM »
When clicking with the profile tool, the profile window shows the shading but the main window shows a solid wide track.  When I click on a second track it goes solid and the first track then shows shading (but not the one I selected).   Also when turning off display of track (check box) the track persists on the screen.  (v 2.95)


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Tracks won't shade
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 10:28:55 AM »
When you profile using the profile/merge tool the track remains highlighted (default = pink) so yes, you cannot see any shading.  If you right click in the map window the highlight will go away.

Alternatively, don't use the profile/merge tool, just stay in "pan" (hand) mode, and right click on the track you wish to be profile and select "profile."  The track will stay highlighted when the right click menu is open, but it will go away after you select profile.