I'll restate my desire to have a grid feature added. This is really needed if the printed maps are to be used in the field with a GPS for accurate positioning. I was on a long trip this past weekend and although I normally carry TopoUSA maps (because of the grid feature!), I had Topofusion maps with me. Not being able to pinpoint our position on the map really delayed us at 1 am in the morning. And it really is a pain to create both a Topofusion Map and a TopoUSA map for each trip.
On the printing front, an idea occured to me that might be a quick temporary fix for a full printing function. If you added the ability to scroll exactly one screen horizontal and/or vertical using a keystroke or something, then the exported screens would be fairly easy to paste into a large image before printing. I know this can be done to some extent now, but it's time consuming and hard on the eyes. Just an idea.