TopoFusion support forums
Archived - Use Search => Archived - Feedback and Comments => Topic started by: crashing_arizona on April 14, 2006, 12:35:26 PM
Have you considered using google maps as a source for aerial photos? They appear to be more up-to-date and of higher quality than terraserver.
Just curious.
This topic has been mentioned before, but I too would like to see newer map data available in TF.
Is there a possibility of this?
Hi guys,
Sorry for the delay. I have been out racing the Arizona Trail for the past 3 days.
There's not much chance of using Google's maps. They don't have an open, public policy for the content. It would be great, I agree, though.
how about Yahoo maps? the new beta has satellite info, too.
Heck any type of aerial photos would be better then what TopoFusion has. This is the only reason I have not purchased it yet. The aerial photos to put it mildly stink. Google puts them to shame.
That depends largely on where you live. Quite a few people have asked us about Google's maps and said the opposite: "they're lower resolution, but still nice to have around."
The DOQQ (black and white) is not always the best available, but it's still an impressive set of imagery. The areas covered by Urban Tilesets are incredible, even from Terraserver/TopoFusion. Sometimes Google Earth only has a coarse sattelite image, similar to TF's Landsat.
Like the username.