Author Topic: An interesting (I think) application of photfusion  (Read 3955 times)

Jon Sundquist

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An interesting (I think) application of photfusion
« on: March 08, 2004, 02:12:29 PM »
Just checking back to this board to see if there were any ideas on my problems getting the beta with 3D to work.  Meanwhile, thought I'd point out what I think was an interesting application for photofusion.  The developers may be interested after reading some accounts of recent MTB trail maintenance work.

We (WNYMBA) hired Rich Edwards of IMBA Trail Solutions to do a one-week review of trails at a local park that had just been the subject of a master plan.  I took his recommendations and made a point-n-click interface using photofusion.  Check it out here

For the trails, I mapped the trails using a combination of arcview and OCAD, using shapefiles to exchange between the two programs.  I had to force all the trails into a single long trail (some doubling back required of course) so that I could export the final shapefile to a GPX file that displayed in topofusion without lines jumping from one end of a trail to the start of the next.

I then put in artificial times into the dbf file that is part of the shapefile, and figured out at what "times" each of Rich's recommendations were at on the trail.  I then created a bunch of dummy photos with the appropriate time stamps hand edited in so that photofusion would print the little camera symbol and create the hot-zone links on the image map.  I then pulled the jpegs outputted by running photofusion into CorelDraw to replace the camera symbols with numbers corresponding to the recommendations.  After some editing of the photofusion HTML to have each image-map link point to a recommendation page rather than a photo, I declared victory.  

A lot of work but it turned out nice and was a great way to summarize all the recommendations.


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An interesting (I think) application of photfusion
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2004, 08:05:08 PM »
Hey Jon, thanks for the post of a very interesting application of TopoFusion/PhotoFusion.  Nice work.  Hopefully in the future it will be easier to do what you're describing--allowing photos (or html) to be placed and moved with the mouse.  The timestamps would just be one way to add links to a map.

Alan (the other guy behind TF) is the one to handle the problem with OpenGL, and unfortunately he is rather busy with school right now.  So it could be a bit more before he's able to take a look at it.

Thanks, Scott